Friday 3 February 2012

Days that felt like seconds.

Just came back from Malaysia 2 days ago and it was good trip like any other :) mass shopped for clothes for uni and caught up with most of my friends :) I'm glad we're still as close as before and that we still do keep in touch. The food was awesome and the weather was fairly good this time around. In the duration of one month, I visited Singapore, Hong Kong and Bali as well :D they were great trips, although I doubt I'll be going back to Singapore anymore if Hong Kong was a choice :P Bali was tranquil as usual, however since it was a family trip where a total of 18 of us went, it was somewhat more tiring than the previous trips ._. oh well. I still had fun playing with all my cuzzies who are in primary school :) That one month zipped past me so quickly before I knew it.

So here I am back since the 1st of Feb, and I've been busy since. My girlfriend kept me busy for 2 days and I went for Wynne's birthday lunch today :) it was great to catch up and reconnect again after such a long period :D sometime during the party, I confirmed that I managed to get into the course that I wanted to i.e. a single degree in Engineering instead of a double degree in Engineering & Science. There were many complications before when I applied but I worked it out eventually :)

In the coming months, I'll be occupied with the following:

Spiritual walk. University and work. Family and friends. Relationship.

It doesn't seem like much, but there's so much to do, but I'll make the most of the limited time I have, do what needs to be done and soldier on like always.

1 comment:

yewleung said...

Good to hear you've placed God first =D continue to walk on with Him. He will show you great and wonderful things