Thursday, 22 October 2009

Okay. Muck up day was.. somewhat..

Aights. Finally remembered to blog after like an eternity. Hmm.

Ever felt like celebrating after the end of high school? Well, it's an exclusive event here for students and they are even entitled to it! Even the school and the authorities approve of it.

Haha. Lemme start from scratch. Basically, if you are a school leaver every year, you get the right to throw pranks at everyone on the last day of school known as Muck Up Day. It's like a rite of passage.

Normally, the students would just throw fish oil, honey and jam on our locks in the locker bay. There would also be some people getting egged and water bombed. In addtion to that, there will be a few more other bizarre things like taunting the teachers by borrowing a large amount of books the week before and returning them on Muck Up Day. Boy.. that happened in my bro's school. And yeah.. you can imagine the pile of books tantalising the librarians.

Well, in these scenarios, your chances of not being affected by this is like a 50-50 chance. But this is changed altogether a few years back..

In some schools, the students occasionally got out of hand. Ours had that problem.. So they ruled out Muck Up Day and changed it into a "Celebration" instead. LoL. So we basically attended an assembly where EVERYONE had to attend. Some skipped school..they were so..fortunate.

By making us sit in the assembly-like celebration, we were basically sitting ducks waiting to be shot. Chances of 'survival'? Hmm. It's a big, fat zero. Let's just say that I've attended the Assembly of Hell.

Everyone just got owned. First, we walked in and filled up the left and right rows, then the school leavers walk up in the middle aisle to the front of the hall where their seats are reserved. And you guessed it. They unleashed hell upon us as they walk to their seats. Boy, that was the longest 5 minutes of my life.

Well, to cut a long story short, it was really an experience o_o traumatising initially but hell yeah it was funny.